100 Refutations: Day 79


a cow’s labor
is no simple
it involves an enormous
that bursts
and not infrequently
visits the outside

an enormous bursting!

a cow’s labor
demands fists
but fine

killing a cow
is no
simple matter
it demands a sure
the exact point far
from mid-forehead
two horses three
or four men
a boy
perhaps a woman

slaughtering a cow
demands she be bled
till the final drop
so the meat
does not

bleeding a cow
is for experts

but eating a cow


Marília Floôr Kosby

Marília Floôr Kosby is the author of three poetry collections: Mugido [ou diário de uma doula] (Coletivo Garupa, 2017), Os baobás do fim do mundo (Novitas, 2011; Après-Coup, 2015), and Siete colores e Um pote cheio de acasos (Flor De Tuna, 2013). A scholar of social anthropology, she was the recipient of both the Prêmio Açorianos de Literatura 2016 and the Prêmio Boas Práticas de Salvaguarda do Patrimônio Imaterial IPHAN/2015 for the essay “Nós cultuamos todas as doçuras: a religiões de matriz africana e a tradição doceira de Pelotas” (Après-Coup, 2015).

Julia Sanches

Julia Sanches is a translator of Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Catalan. Her book-length translations include Now and at the Hour of Our Death by Susana Moreira Marques and What are the Blind Men Dreaming? by Noemi Jaffe. Her shorter translations have appeared in Suelta, The Washington Review, Asymptote, Two Lines, Granta, Tin House, Words Without Borders, and Revista Machado, among others. A former literary agent, she is co-founder of the literary translators' collective Cedilla & Co.

Copyright (c) Marília Floôr Kosby. English translation copyright (c) Julia Sanches, 2018.