Contemporary Concrete Poetry


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Tytti Heikkinen

Tytti Heikkinen (b. 1969) is a Finnish poet studying literature at the University of Helsinki. She is currently exploring the possibilities that our new, virtual era is providing for literature. Her published books include Täytetyn eläimen lämpö (Warmth of the Taxidermied Animal, PoEsia, 2008) and Varjot astronauteista (Shadows from the Astronauts, PoEsia, 2009). Please visit her blog at

Tytti Heikkinen

Tytti Heikkinen (b. 1969) is a Finnish poet studying literature at the University of Helsinki. She is currently exploring the possibilities that our new, virtual era is offering literature. Her published books include Täytetyn eläimen lämpö (Warmth of the Taxidermied Animal, PoEsia, 2008) and Varjot astronauteista (Shadows from the Astronauts, PoEsia, 2009). Please visit her blog at

Nykykonkreettista runoutta. Copyright (c) Tytti Heikkinen, 2012.