one goes fracturing
no dark no flickering
sharp pains no one know…
no one speaks
dark pupils
in the sky of stars…
no one we can make to flower…—
i thought you wanted to say
things to make me to say again…
but nothing moves for any reason
nothing dies
nor remains alive
as a little girl
sitting in blood
i wanted to know
what remains of the dead
to the little hands that I kill
now i ask
what of me remains
what doesn’t come back
ever again
the children go dead small
like empty flames
like nothing
ever happened
the children were dreamed
by those who don’t have them
by those who lost
if i am not
dreamed so no one
had me
no one lost
children have weak hearts
waiting makes blood
in cold water
they are spread out
in cold water
they sleep without little hands
a weak heart
one cannot trust it
i want her buried
in a little wedding dress
don’t try to relight her
the wind won’t return
has to happen
where nothing
without pain
but don’t finish
where nothing
ignites the flower
then the heart comes down
mother’s milk
keep drinking it
melt us inside
promises of love
your caramels of blood
children flower dogs
angelic the cane flutters
the dogs
you make soap
the coddled dogs
on the small boat
chrome-plated babies
on the leash
grown-ups make babies-thereinside
too much little ones
so they-thereinside
too soon
no one is ever big
to stay alive
little people of blood
breathe badly
flowers alive
without air
the sun shakes them
all the way to the end
mehr licht
mehr nicht
like this you’re born
the first time
if you sell your blood
like this you can stay
hold it in your arms
your hair
closed in silence
they didn’t suffer
look at the hands
look at them without
one goes into the sky
a little at a time
there are people with thereinsides of blood
that we are born from
and then they die us flat
so we come out of us
in the world of transparent dust
the paper dolls
hold each other’s hands
the eyes have arrived!
now i take up death
and i see
electric voices
it no longer matters
how much I believe in release
the statuettes
have awoken
they put me to grow inside
a baby in the living belly
to me they said
you don’t have to eat
the egg-baby
the things missing inside
the egg breaks
makes the smell of angels
and you can’t use it
they mustn’t come out
from the head
***************the colors