100 Refutations | Argentina | Poetry | Spanish
June, 2018Pedro Bonifacio Palacios (1854-1917) was an Argentine artist, writer, teacher, librarian, translator, and journalist who lived at the turn of the twentieth century and published under several different pseudonyms. His most well-known pseudonym was "Almafuerte," which translates to "strong soul."
100 Refutations | Essay | Poetry
June, 2018Welcome to the thirteenth week of 100 Refutations. For one hundred days, we’re publishing a daily poem from one of the countries recently denigrated by the president of the United States. Lina M. Ferreira C.-V., who conceived and compiled the series and translated many of its poems, has been working tirelessly on this enormous project, with the help of several collaborators, since the president’s comments in January. We’re accompanying the daily poems with a weekly essay by Lina, and the thirteenth one is featured here.
– InTranslation editors
100 Refutations | Poetry | Spanish
June, 2018The poem featured here was written by an unknown Incan poet from the region of Jauja, which is in present-day Peru. It was originally collected by R. and M. d’Harcourt under the title “La musique des Incas et ses survivance” and published in Cantares Quechuas (1925).
100 Refutations | Poetry | Spanish
June, 2018According to Abraham Arias-Larreta in Literaturas Aborigenes de America (1976), “The Mayan Uinal was a period of 20 days, each of them with a different name. The Mayan year, or Haab, was composed of 18 Uinales and a final period of 5 days, the Xma Kaba Kin, nameless days.”
100 Refutations | Panama | Poetry | Spanish
June, 2018Lil Marie Herrera is an award-winning journalist and poet. Her poetry collections include Metaldevoz (2006); Niño, mango, guayacán (2006); Todo en regla (2009); Di versos, poemas traviesos (2011); Tenaz Pepita Nador (2011); Juegos Mentales (2015); and Chifladuras (cada loco con su verso) (2015). Her many awards include the Esther María Osses Ministry of Labor Poetry Prize (2006); the Amelia Denis Icaza Municipal Poetry Prize (2006); the León A. Soto Municipal Poetry Prize (2006, 2014); the Women’s Poetry Prize: Voices, Images, and Testimonies (2009); The Hersilia Ramos de Argote National Prize for Children’s Poetry (2011, 2014, 2015); and the Esther María Osses National Prize for Child and Youth Poetry (2015). For more information, see the Panamanian poetry blog Afinidades Electivas.
The poem featured here appears in Juegos Mentales (2015).
100 Refutations | Poetry (excerpt) | Spanish
June, 2018According to Abraham Arias-Larreta in Literaturas Aborigenes de America (1976), “‘Chilam’ was the title given to prophets of the priestly caste of the Mayas. ‘Balam,’ which literally means ‘jaguar,’ was the name of the famous, and last, prophet before the European conquest. He was, precisely, the one to have foretold of the arrival of the invaders who would establish a new religion. When the sacred books of the Mayas from Yucatán were partially reproduced using the Maya language and the European alphabet, he was given the name of the great [biblical] prophet, Balam. Since then these [sacred books] have been known as ‘The Books of Chilam Balam.’”
100 Refutations | Poetry | Puerto Rico | Spanish
June, 2018Cindy Jiménez-Vera is the author of four poetry collections: No lugar (2017), Islandia (2015), 400 nuevos soles (2013), and Tegucigalpa (2012). She has also published a book chronicling her trip to San Sebastián, entitled En San Sebastián, su pueblo y el mío (2014), and a collection of children’s poetry, El gran cheeseburger y otros poemas con dientes (2015). Her work has been translated into English, Italian, and Portuguese, and published in literary and academic journals, anthologies, textbooks, newspapers, and websites across South America, the Caribbean, the US, and elsewhere. For more information, please visit her blog.
100 Refutations | Brazil | Brazilian Portuguese | Poetry
June, 2018Marília Floôr Kosby is the author of three poetry collections: Mugido [ou diário de uma doula] (Coletivo Garupa, 2017), Os baobás do fim do mundo (Novitas, 2011; Après-Coup, 2015), and Siete colores e Um pote cheio de acasos (Flor De Tuna, 2013). A scholar of social anthropology, she was the recipient of both the Prêmio Açorianos de Literatura 2016 and the Prêmio Boas Práticas de Salvaguarda do Patrimônio Imaterial IPHAN/2015 for the essay “Nós cultuamos todas as doçuras: a religiões de matriz africana e a tradição doceira de Pelotas” (Après-Coup, 2015).
100 Refutations | Poetry | Spanish
June, 2018The poem featured here was written by an unknown Guaraní poet. It's an example of guaú aí poetry, short verses that usually feature an native animal at their center. When the jaguar in the poem states that he sees his tracks in the path of every man, it refers to the belief that a jaguar acquires a taste for human flesh after tasting it just once.
100 Refutations | Essay | Poetry
June, 2018Welcome to the twelfth week of 100 Refutations. For one hundred days, we’re publishing a daily poem from one of the countries recently denigrated by the president of the United States. Lina M. Ferreira C.-V., who conceived and compiled the series and translated many of its poems, has been working tirelessly on this enormous project, with the help of several collaborators, since the president’s comments in January. We’re accompanying the daily poems with a weekly essay by Lina, and the twelfth one is featured here.
– InTranslation editors
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