The New Earth
Ñamandu Ru Ete, speaking to the messenger
********Well then, my son,
********go ask Karaí Ru Ete
********if he is willing to create
********his terrestrial abode.
Karaí Ru Ete, speaking to the messenger
********I am in no way willing
********to make a thing predestined to perish;
********I would unleash my rage upon it.
********So, tell him:
********He has no intention
********to create a terrestrial abode.”
Ñamandu Ru Ete, speaking to the messenger
********Well then, being so,
********go before Jakaira Ru Ete and ask
********if he is willing to create
********his terrestrial abode.
Jakaira Ru Ete
********I’m more than willing
********to create a future terrestrial abode.
********My earth is already full of omens of misfortune
********for our children until the very last generation:
********and yet,
********I shall spread the life-giving mist;
********the sacred flames,
********the mist that I shall spread upon every true being
********the one that circles the roads of imperfection.
********I will make the tobacco and the pipe
********so that our children can defend themselves.
********I will gently light with thunderless lightning
********every jungle-enveloped valley.