October 28, 2020
Dear Contributors and Potential Contributors,
We hope all of you are staying safe and well.
After careful consideration, we’ve decided to press pause on publishing InTranslation while we give further thought to changes in its design and distribution that we’ve been wanting to make for a while. So we’re halting our submission process for the time being, and forgoing publication of all active submissions.
Thanks so much for your patience and understanding. We wish you all the best in finding another home for your work.
Jen and Donald, Co-Editors
We seek exceptional unpublished English translations from all languages.
Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry: Manuscripts of no longer than 20 pages (double-spaced).
Plays: Manuscripts of no longer than 30 pages (in left-justified format).
Please provide short biographies for the translator(s) and original author(s), 1-2 paragraphs in length. Translators who wish to have their contact information published should provide it.
Please provide a translator’s note, no more than 500 words in length. The note may include critical analysis, historical contextualization, personal anecdote, or any other details the translator considers pertinent or interesting.
Translators must have obtained permission to publish from the copyright holder of the original work, unless it is in the public domain. Please provide copyright information (the name of the copyright holder + the year of original publication) for the original work.
Please submit all of your materials in a single MS Word document. Your email should include a short cover note introducing yourself and the work you’re submitting.
All submissions and queries should be sent to intranslation@brooklynrail.org.